
Steel Skeleton SeriesPE SeriesDrainpipe Series
HDPE inner rib reinforced winding pipe
HDPE inner rib reinforced pipe is newly developed all plastic reinforced winding pipe, also known as structural wall winding pipe. The pipe is made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) which has a large surface area forming the pipe soil compression resist
Hotline : 0799-6796868
Product Details
Product advantages:
1. Strong bearing capacity of surrounding soil pressure.
2. Compression and impact resistance.
3. The joint tensile strength of pipe is high.
4. The connection is convenient and reliable.

Product specifications: 

nominal diameter(DN/ID) Dim min(Dim min) Minimum mean outer diameter wall thickness(ecmin) Minimum inner wall thickness(e5 min)
200 195 234 1.2
225 220 263.3 1.4
300 294 351 1.8
400 392 468 2.4
500 490 585 3
600 588 702 3.6
700 673 819 4.2
800 785 936 4.8
900 855 1053 5.4
1000 985 1170 6
1100 1085 1287 6.6
1200 1185 1404 7.2
1300 1285 1521 7.8
1400 1385 1638 8.4
1500 1485 1755 9

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